Installing the latest stable version of TurboGears 1.0 from scratch is most easily achieved with the script.
There are only two steps necessary to install TurboGears, if you already have Python installed. If you don’t have Python installed on your system (or are not sure about it), please refer to the detailed installation instructions in the next section.
Download the script.
Run the script from the command-line:
$ python
We strongly suggest that you also refer to the system-specific installation instructions for details.
The recommended Python version to use with TurboGears 1.0 currently is 2.5.x, but we still support Python 2.4.x and (with some restrictions) Python 2.3.x. Python 2.5.x is supported from TurboGears version 1.0.2 onwards and Python 2.6.x from 1.0.9 and later.
TurboGears does not support Python 3.x yet.
There are some detailed installation instructions for different platforms and setups, starting with instructions for installing Python to platform-specific configuration issues.
Please choose the instructions that match your setup:
TurboGears is designed to work in conjunction with an object-relational mapper such as SQLObject or SQLAlchemy, so TurboGears can use all the databases supported by these ORMs. If you have one of the supported DBAPI implementations in Database Options, you should be settled.
If you need to choose a database option, SQLite is an easy-to-use database to get started with, which works with plain files or in-memory databases. If you are using Python 2.5, SQLite is supported out of the box and you don’t need to install pysqlite.
Here we list installation and configuration instructions for the most common databases:
Generally, downloads are done through the easy_install-based script. There is a list of files available if you need to do something manually.
Installing an older version of TurboGears is possible, too. To install a specific version of TurboGears run a command line similar to this one:
$ easy_install -i TurboGears==1.0.x
Replace 1.0.x with the number of the version of TurboGears which you want to install. This form requires setuptools to be present on your machine. If you don’t have setuptools yet, download and run to install it:
$ wget
$ python
After installing TurboGears you probably also want to install at least one of the object-relational mappers, SQLObject or SQLAlchemy:
$ easy_install SQLAlchemy
$ easy_install SQLObject