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SQLObject Quick Guide

Declaring SQLObject classes for database tables


from datetime import datetime

class A(SQLObject):
    members = IntCol()
    name = StringCol(default="Annonimous", alternateID=True)
    created = DateTimeCol(
    friends = MultipleJoin("B")
    owner = ForeignKey("C")

class B(SQLObject):
    name = StringCol()

class C(SQLObject):
    name = StringCol()

Getting query results from the database

The simplest way of retrieve data from the db is as follows:

Note that SQLObject does not return lists or tuples, it returns SQLResult objects, which are iterators and can be turned into a sequence with the list() or tuple() functions. For attributes declared with MultipleJoin or RelatedJoin it returns lists directly, unless you use SQLMultipleJoin/SQLRelatedJoin.

You can restrict a query using a where condition like this: == 10))

If the WHERE is left out, it will be silently assumed, so this would work as well: == 10)

This returns an iterator for all result objects that fit the where condition. If you want to order the results by creation, you can do it like this: == 10, orderBy=A.q.created)

Note that the result will come sorted from older to newer. If you want it sorted from newer to older, do this:

temp = == 10, orderBy=-A.q.created)

And for a limited result, the recommended way is this:

temp = == 10, orderBy=-A.q.created)[:10]

If you pay attention, you’ll see that the slice is done to the query result. It happens because the slicing operator is overwritten and will work just like a limit statement in your query.

If you want to retrieve a single result object through its ID, just do this:


To retrieve the result object by its primary key, do this:

# this may throw a SQLObjectNotFound exception