Sometimes there is the need to dynamically modify one widget in a form based upon what the user has selected in another field. This can be done via a page reload, but it is faster and slicker to use Ajax.
Let’s take an example and run with it. Say you have a SingleSelect field named client_id, and based upon what the user selects there, another SingleSelect named projects will be populated with the proper options.
The basic strategy is:
For this example we assume a model with objects “Client” and “Project” with a one to many relationship from Client to Project, like so:
class Client(SQLObject):
clientName = StringCol()
class Project(SQLObject):
projectDesc = StringCol()
client = ForeignKey('Client')
Here is our form in (the name of the project is assumed to be exampleproject):
from turbogears import validate, validators, widgets
from exampleproject.model import Client
client_project_form = widgets.TableForm('clientform',
options=[(, client.clientName)
for client in],
options=[(, p.projectDesc)
for p in Client.get(1).projects])
This simply displays the two single selects. It will default to displaying the first client in the database and it’s associated projects. Nothing fancy here.
Equally mundane is the controller method to display it:
def clientprojects(self):
return dict(form=client_project_form, action='save')
This simply returns our form in a dictionary to the clientprojects.kid template we are going to create for rendering the form on the page.
Here is the method which we will be calling asynchronously to repopulate the project’s select field:
@validate(validators={'client_id': validators.Int()})
def get_projects(self, client_id=None, tg_errors=None):
return dict(projects=model.Client.get(client_id).projects)
It will accept an integer client id, retrieve the associated projects, and return them in JSON format.
We want to make use MochiKit for our dynamic form, therefore we set
tg.include_widgets = [‘turbogears.mochikit’]
in config/app.cfg. This makes sure MochiKit is included on every page. Instead, you can also add MochiKit to the dynamic form widget using its javascript attribute, or add an explict JavaScript link to the page template.
The following is where things get exciting. This is the clientprojects.kid template which will render the form and perform amazing ajaxian feats. Again you can add the necessary JavaScript as a JSSource or JSLink to the form widget using the javascript attribute, but we have simple included the JavaScript directly in the template:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""
xmlns:py="" py:extends="'master.kid'">
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8"
http-equiv="Content-Type" py:replace="''"/>
<title>Client Projects</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var conn = MochiKit.Signal.connect;
replace_project = function(res) {
map(function(p) {
return OPTION({value:}, p.projectDesc);
}, res.projects));
client_id_changed = function() {
{client_id: $('clientform_client_id').value}
conn(window, 'onload', function() {
conn($('clientform_client_id'), 'onchange', client_id_changed);
<h2>Client Projects</h2>
<div py:replace="form(action=action)"/>
The line:
<div py:replace="form(action=action)"/>
merely displays our form. It is the JavaScript in the head of the template that does our job of dynamically changing the select fields.
Here is the sequence of events when the page loads:
An onload event get registered with MochiKit.Signal:
conn(window, 'onload', ...);
So, when the page is finished loading, the registered function gets called:
function() {
var client_id = $('clientform_client_id');
conn(client_id, 'onchange', client_id_changed);
This function registers the onchange event for the element with the id clientform_client_id (our client select widget) so that the client_id_changed function will be called any time that field changes. This must be registered after the page is finished loading, which is why we put this in a function registered to be called onload instead of just registering this onchange event directly. After registering the function we also immediately call it to make sure the project selector is set up correctly.
The client_id_changed function gets the value of the client_id field and calls the get_projects method of our controller asynchronously, giving it an argument of the client_id. It then registers a callback function, replace_projects, and exits.
When the response from get_projects comes back, it is handed to replace_project. replace_projects gets the projects item of the result, which is a list of hashes (dictionaries) containing the project data) and replaces the contents of the element with id clientform_projects (our projects select field) with OPTION nodes generated dynamically from the data in the response. Note that the select field is not replaced, only its child nodes, i.e. the OPTION items.