Adding a custom login cleaner

The default authentication mechanism checks the login user name, exactly as it was entered by the user in the login form, against the user names stored in the database. However, sometimes you may want to “sanitize” the login names that have been entered by the users before comparing them with the user names stored in the database. For instance, if you know you have only lower case user names in the database, you may want to automatically change the entered login name to lower case, so that it will not matter if a user enters the name capitalized or has the caps lock key active when typing. Or, if you are using user logins that are numbers, you may want to remove leading zeros or any whitespace grouping the numbers into blocks.

You can realize such a “login cleaner” either by using a modified repoze.who form plugin or by wrapping your application in a special WSGI middleware. Using the repoze.who plugin system may be more simple and obvious in this case, but the middleware approach can also be used for other purposes not related to authentication, so we will show both ways of doing it.

In our example, we assume the login names are numbers, and we want to remove leading zeros and whitespace as well as any non-ascii characters that may raise errors when decoding the string for comparison with the login names in the database.

Solution 1, using a modified repoze.who form plugin

Save this module as lib/ inside your TurboGears application:

from repoze.who.plugins.friendlyform import FriendlyFormPlugin

__all__ = ['LoginCleanerPlugin']

class LoginCleanerFormPlugin(FriendlyFormPlugin):
    """Modified repoze.who FriendlyFormPlugin plugin with login clean-up."""

    def identify(self, environ):
        """Remove interim zeros and iterim whitespace in the login name."""
        identity = super(LoginCleanerFormPlugin, self).identify(environ)
        if identity:
            login = identity['login']
            if login:
                # remove all non-ascii chars and whitespace
                login = ''.join(c for c in login if 32 < ord(c) < 128)
                # remove leading zeros if login is a number
                if login.isdigit():
                    login = login.lstrip('0')
                identity['login'] = login
        return identity

In config/, add this:

from myapp.lib.login_cleaner import LoginCleanerFormPlugin

# Set up our modified form plugin for getting the credentials:
base_config.sa_auth.form_plugin = LoginCleanerFormPlugin(
    login_form_url="/login", login_handler_path="/login_handler",
    logout_handler_path="/logout_handler", rememberer_name="cookie",
    post_logout_url=base_config.sa_auth.post_logout_url, charset='utf-8')

Solution 2, using a custom WSGI middleware

Save this module as lib/ inside your TurboGears application:

from webob import Request

__all__ = ['LoginCleanerMiddleware']

class LoginCleanerMiddleware(object):
    """WSGI middleware for login clean-up."""

    def __init__(self, app,
            login_handler_path='/login_handler', charset='utf-8'): = app
        self.login_handler_path = login_handler_path
        self.charset = charset

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        app =
        path_info = environ['PATH_INFO']
        if path_info == self.login_handler_path:
            request = Request(environ, charset=self.charset)
            login = request.POST.get('login')
            if login:
                # remove all non-ascii chars and whitespace
                login = ''.join(c for c in login if 32 < ord(c) < 128)
                # remove leading zeros if login is a number
                if login.isdigit():
                    login = login.lstrip('0')
                request.POST['login'] = login
        return app(environ, start_response)

In config/, add this:

from myapp.lib.login_cleaner import LoginCleanerMiddleware

def make_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf):
    app = make_base_app(global_conf, full_stack=True, **app_conf)

    # wrap the application with our custom middleware for login clean-up:
    app = LoginCleanerMiddleware(app, login_handler_path=app_conf.get(
        'sa_auth.login_handler', '/login_handler'))

    return app