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Running TurboGears as a Windows Service

Proxying through IISΒΆ

In some environments it is preferable to use IIS instead of Apache. This arrangement allows TurboGears to run alongside Microsoft technologies such as ASP.Net, it has good support for Integrated Windows Authentication, and in some oranisations it is a politically easier sell.

At present (Aug 2007) the only viable option is a reverse proxy deployment, although in the future it may be possible to use Python through ASP, ISAPI, or even IronPython. A number of reverse proxies are available for IIS. IIS Reverse Proxy is free, and was developed specifically for deploying TurboGears applications in this manner.

Setup IIS Reverse Proxy using the instructions in the README.txt. Edit web.config to point the proxyUrl to the TurboGears application. The application itself can be run as a Windows service, using these instructions.

In many deployments it is desirable to run the TurboGears application in a directory that is not the root, e.g. If the IIS virtual directory is /tgapp, edit web.config so the BackEndSite is something like http://localhost:8081/tgapp, and configure the TG app so server.webpath=’/tgapp’. This will make sure all links are consistently in the non-root directory, without any link rewriting. For this to work properly, it is necessary to always use relative URLs inside the TG application.

There appear to be two outstanding issues with this implementation using server.webpath in TG <= 1.0.5:

  • If you are using Identity, the default templates don’t respect server.webpath. To work around this, edit login.kid and replace action=”${previous_url}” with action=”${tg.url(previous_url)}”.
  • The turbogears.redirect function doesn’t seem to respect server.webpath when you’re using relative paths. For example, if you have a nested controller in your Root controller, and you reference that controller without the trailing slash, TurboGears will redirect to a URL with the trailing slash, but without server.webpath.