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Deploying TurboGears on LightTPD


This document intended to convey a best-practice method of deploying TurboGears using the LightTPD web server. It assumes you have an instance of LightTP already installed.

There are currently two ways to deploy TurboGears with LightTPD:

  1. The Simple Proxy Method
  2. The SCGI/WSGI Method

The Simple Proxy Method

This method is a very simple way to deploy TurboGears applications. The idea is that LightTPD serves all static files and forwards all dynamic requests to a TurboGears application running on its own port. For example, let’s say we have a TurboGears instance for the domain running on port 1082, in the /var/www/ directory.

Our lighttpd.conf would include the following:

server.modules = (
  # We *must* enable mod_proxy

  # Other modules follow

$HTTP["host"] == "" {
   server.document-root = "/var/www/"

   $HTTP["url"] !~ "^/static" {
      proxy.server = (
                      "" => (
                               "host" => "",
                               "port" => 1082

Start the TurboGears application and (re)start LightTPD. You’re good to go!

The SCGI/WSGI Method

(This article was originally written by Jonathan LaCour, used with permission.)

Though the following method is more complex to set up, there have been reports about better performance and stability using it. Read the comments for ticket 193 on the TurboGears Trac, if you want to know more.

Flup it up

The first step is to download and install the flup WSGI toolkit by Allan Saddi. This is a great little toolkit that provides a host of WSGI servers for FastCGI, SCGI, and more in both threaded and pre-forking versions.

sudo easy_install flup

SCGI Python Module

Next, we install the scgi module:

sudo easy_install scgi

The SCGI protocol is “a replacement for the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) protocol. It is a standard for applications to interface with HTTP servers. It is similar to FastCGI but is designed to be easier to implement.”

A TurboGears WSGI Server

Now that we have all the various parts and pieces that we need, we create a script that will run the TurboGears application as a WSGI server over the SCGI protocol. Thanks to Flup, this is pretty easy. In the TurboGears project, a script exists to start the application with the built-in CherryPy web server. Copy it to a new file called and replace its contents with the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pkg_resources
import cherrypy
import sys


from cherrypy._cpwsgi       import wsgiApp
from flup.server.scgi_fork  import WSGIServer
from os.path                import *

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
elif exists(join(dirname(__file__), "")):

from ProjectName.controllers import Root

cherrypy.root = Root()

cherrypy.server.start(initOnly=True, serverClass=None)


Important: Don’t forget to modify the script to reflect your settings!

Executing this script will start your application as a WSGI application that listens on port 4000 for SCGI requests.

Lighttpd SCGI Configuration

Now we configure lighttpd.conf to listen to the SCGI server we just created, in a similar manner to the Proxy Method described above:

server.modules = ( "mod_access",
                   "mod_staticfile" )

server.document-root = "/full/path/to/your/application"
server.errorlog      = "/tmp/lighttpd.error.log"

# Use the following line for Mac OS X and FreeBSD
server.event-handler = "freebsd-kqueue"

accesslog.filename   = "/tmp/access.log"

$HTTP["url"] !~ "^/static/" {
  scgi.server = (
                  "/" =>
                    ( "" =>
                        "host" => "",
                        "port" => 4000,
                        "check-local" => "disable"

Run the new startup script, then (re)start LightTPD with this configuration file, and you should be good to go! To really feel the speed, make sure that you pass prod.cfg to the startup script so that your TurboGears application is running under “production mode” which turns off a host of debugging features.

Some Caveats

The SCGI method described here uses the pre-forking WSGI server from flup. If you are using in-memory sessions, or the standard visit model, this seems to go insane. It is recommended that you use the database or on-disk session backend. You could also try using the threaded WSGI server in flup, but your mileage may vary.

Fo use the threaded version of the WSGI server, change this line from the startup script:

from flup.server.scgi_fork  import WSGIServer


from flup.server.scgi import WSGIServer