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Using the Visit Framework

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Extending the Visit Framework

Visit Plugins

The visit framework is extensible via a plugin mechanism. Plugins objects can provide methods, which are called on every request. The plug-in mechanism can be useful for answering questions like ‘How long does a user browse my site?’, ‘What browsers do my users use?’, or ‘How effective is this page in generating a specific response?’. These questions might be difficult to answer using regular TurboGears controllers, but are greatly simplified using Visit.

The tubogears.visit module has an enable_visit_plugin method that you can call to register an object with Visit. Your object only needs to implement one method, record_request.

So, a very simple visit plugin could be implemented in as little as something like:

import turbogears
import logging

log = logging.getLogger('myapp.simplevisit')

class SimpleVisitPlugin(object):

    def record_request(self, visit):"Visit key: %s" % visit.key)

def add_simple_visit_plugin():"Registering the SimpleVisitPlugin")


If you import this module into your main, you should see information about the visit key show up in your log output.

The Visit Object

In the example above, record_request takes an argument visit. This visit object is not the same Visit as is in the default, but rather a very simple object defined in turbogears.visit.api. It has only two properties:

This is the same SHA hash that is contained in the cookie, and also corresponds to the visit_key property found in model.Visit.
This contains a boolean that is True if this is the first time the visitor has initiated a request to the site, and False otherwise.

This object is also assigned to cherrypy.request.tg_visit, and so it can be accessed inside of any regular controller.

Example 1: Tracking Browser Type

Now that we have a start on what all the pieces are, we can flesh out a slightly more involved example. Say we have a requirement that we want to know what browsers our visitors are using. Ok, we could parse the log files right now for that information and get a pretty reasonable estimate. But, since we are talking about our Visit hammer, this problem is looking an awful lot like a nail.

First let’s extend our model.Visit class just a bit by adding a browser column:

class Visit(SQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        table = "visit"

    visit_key = StringCol(length=40, alternateID=True,
    created = DateTimeCol(
    expiry = DateTimeCol()
    browser = StringCol(length=80, default=None) # new
    # rest of Visit continues ...

Update your database with the new browser column. Next, add the following file to our project.

import turbogears
import cherrypy
import logging
log = logging.getLogger('myapp.browservisit')
from model import Visit

class BrowserVisitPlugin(object):

    def record_request(self, visit):
        if visit.is_new:
            # fetch the the user-agent string the browser gave to cherrypy
            ua = cherrypy.request.headers.get('User-Agent', None)

            # The UserAgent class reduces the user-agent into a very coarse
            # list of types, Firefox, Safari, IE.
            # If you need more fine-grained information you will need to
            # write your own class to do it, or just comment the next line
            # out and store the raw user-agent string
            ua = turbogears.view.UserAgent(ua)

            # Find the appropriate model.Visit object
            mvisit = Visit.by_visit_key(visit.key)
            # store the browser in the database
            log.debug('Setting model.Visit.browser=%s' % ua.browser)
            mvisit.browser = ua.browser

def add_browser_visit_plugin():"Registering the BrowserVisitPlugin")


Import the module into, and browser information should now be stored in each model.Visit object.

Note above that we are using the is_new property to so that we only set the user agent information on the visitor’s first request. This check prevents a lot of redundant processing on the Visit object (fetching it and saving it back to the database), and should be incorporated any time you have an item that won’t change over the life of the visit.

Example 2: Recording the IP Address of Visitors

Another usage example would be adding the ability to track IP addresses for each new visit. Assuming you already have enabled visit tracking, here are the steps to create a visit plugin that does just that.

Step One - Create Your Model

Add the following in your app’s

class VisitIP(SQLObject):

      class sqlmeta:
          # SQL object default naming is visitor_i_p, not pretty
          table = 'visit_ip'
      visit = ForeignKey('TG_Visit')
      ip_address = StringCol(length=20)

Create the table in your database with tg-admin sql create --class=VisitIP.

Step Two - Add Plugin Logic

Make a new module in your project named Its contents are as follows:

import logging
from turbogears import config, util, visit
from model import VisitIP

log = logging.getLogger('turbogears.visit')

def ip_tracking_is_on():
    """"Return True if IP tracking is properly enabled, False otherwise."""
    return config.get('visit.on', False) and
        config.get('visit.ip_tracking.on', False)

# Interface for the TurboGears extension
def start_extension():
    if not ip_tracking_is_on():
    log("Visit IP tracker starting.")

    # Register the plugin with the Visit Tracking framework

def shutdown_extension():
    if not ip_tracking_is_on():
    log("Visit IP tracker shutting down.")

class IPVisitPlugin(object):

    def __init__(self):
        log("IPVisitPlugin extension loaded.")
        visit_class_path = config.get("visit.saprovider.model",
        self.visit_class = util.load_class(visit_class_path)

    def record_request(self, visit):
        # This method gets called on every single visit

        # we only want to record the IP if this is a new visitor
        if visit.is_new:
            # retrieve the actual Visit object
            v = self.visit_class.lookup_visit(visit.key)

            # add a new visit ip object to the database
            VisitIP(visit=v, ip_address=cherrypy.request.remoteAddr)

            # if you are using a SQLAlchemy model you might want to add
            # session.flush()

    def new_visit(self, visit_id):
        # This method gets called the first time the visit is started.
        # I think IP tracking makes sense in here.

The start_extension and shutdown_extension functions are called by turbogears when starting up and shutting down. The key in this process is the visit.enable_visit_plugin call, which registers your plugin with the visit framework.

Step Three: Register the Extension

In your project’s, add an entry_points parameter to the setup() function:

    # [...] lots of stuff snipped
    test_suite = 'nose.collector',
    # begin new
        my_visit_extension = ip_plugin.visit_plugin
    # end new

My project’s package name is ip_plugin, you will need to adapt this to your project so that the entry point references the right module in your project.

Step Four: Update Config File

Add a configuration setting so that the tracking can be turned on and off. Somewhere in your app’s deployment configuration file add the line

visit.ip_tracking.on = True

Step Five: Update Egg Info

This step just re-generates the egg information for your project so that the extension actually gets called at runtime. From the command line, at the root level of your project run

python egg_info


That’s it. Fire up your project and you should be tracking ip activity just like the NSA.

It is also be possible to register the plugin simply by adding a call of visit.enable_visit_plugin() to the turbogears.startup.call_on_startup list somewhere in your app’s controller code as in example 1 above, but the solution in this example allows to keep your visit plugin in a completely separate package and enable it in your application’s without touching the code of your application (provided its Visit model is compatible).

Example 3: Tracking Sales Effectiveness

Suppose that we have a website where we are selling a service (e.g. something like Vonage or Netflix). We have a bunch of pages giving information about our service, and a sign-up process where people buy the service. What we want to know is “How many people visiting our site actually buy our service?” In other words, how effective is our website in converting visitors to clients?

Fortunately, this is something that is relatively easy to to accomplish using Visit. First, let’s create a special model class for this specific project.

class VisitSaleMonitor(SQLObject):

    visit_key = StringCol(length=40, alternateID=True,
    pitch_time = DateTimeCol(default=None)
    sale_time = DateTimeCol(default=None)

Nothing too spectacular is going on there; we are just creating a place-holder to store when the visitor hit the areas of the site we are interested in. Go ahead and add the new table to your database:

tg-admin sql create --class=VisitSaleMonitor

Now, we are going to build our Visit plug-in. There really isn’t too much to this, just some simple logic to log what our visitors do. Assume that our ‘pitch’ begins with the main page (i.e. /index or /) and the sales process ends with the /sale_complete controller.

import logging
from datetime import datetime

import turbogears
from cherrypy import request
from turbogears import identity
from sqlobject import SQLObjectNotFound

from model import VisitSaleMonitor

log = logging.getLogger('myapp.salemonitor')

class SaleVisitPlugin(object):

    def record_request(self, visit):
        path = request.object_path
        # ignore requests for things in /static
        if path.startswith('/static/'):

        # If we wanted to ignore registered users from our analysis,
        # we might do something like the following:

        # if not identity.current.anonymous:
        #     try:
        #         # find the User's record and delete it
        #         idvisit = VisitSaleMonitor.by_visit_key(visit.key)
        #     except SQLObjectNotFound:
        #         pass
        #     else:
        #         idvisit.destroySelf()
        #     return

            # see if the salemonitor obj has already been created
            salevisit = VisitSaleMonitor.by_visit_key(visit.key)
        except SQLObjectNotFound:
            # not found, so this must be the first visit
            salevisit = VisitSaleMonitor(visit_key=visit.key)

        if path in ('/', '/index') and not salevisit.pitch_time:
        elif path=='/sale_complete' and not salevisit.sale_time:

def add_sale_visit_plugin():'Starting SaleVisitPlugin')


And that’s it. Import salemonitor into your, and you should be logging exactly when and what a visitor is doing. You now have information in your database that can be extracted via SQLObject queries or normal SQL.

It isn’t hard to see how one might extend this simple example to do more complex click tracking and analysis. For instance, it could easily be extended to track how many visitors start entering their billing information, and then back out.

Further References

For general information on how to use the visit framework see Using the Visit Framework.

If you want to log more information about logged-in users, like e.g. the user name or permissions, have a look at the Identity documentation.

Custom Visit Managers

If you want to store visit object in a different storage backend, customize how visit objeccts are created and updated or perform any house-keeping tasks while the visit framework is running, you need to implement your own visit manager.

Setting the Visit Manager

TurboGears comes with two standard visit managers, one with a SQLObject backend and another for SQLAlchemy. Which one is used is determined by the configuration setting visit.manager, whose value is normally sqlobject or sqlalchemy. When you want to use a custom visit manager, you have to register it as a plugin for the turbogears.visit.manager entry-point via the file of the package which includes the visit manager class.

For example, if your custom visit manager class is MyVisitManager in the module mypackage.myvisit, you would add the following to the setup call:

    # [...]
        my_visit_mamager = mypkg.myvisit:MyVisitManager
    # end new

You can then use my_visit_manager as the value for the visit.manager configuration setting.

Since TurboGears 1.1 it is also possible to specify the visit manager class directly with visit.manager using a fully-qualified dotted-path notation, for example:

visit.manager = 'mypkg.myvisit.MyVisitManager'

Implementing a Visit Manager

The visit manager is responsible for keping track of visits, creating new ones, updating existing ones and handle the communication with the storage backend. Custom visit managers should be sub.classed from one of the standard visit managers (turbogears.visit.sovisit.SqlObjectVisitManager or turbogears.visit.savisit.SqlAlchemyVisitManager) or the abstract base class in turbogears.api.BaseVisitManager. The must provide the following methods:

Should create the visit data model in the storage backend. Should handle being called several times gracefully.
new_visit_with_key(self, visit_key)
Should return a new Visit object with the given key.
visit_for_key(self, visit_key)

Should return an existing Visit object for this key.

Should return None if the visit doesn’t exist or has expired.

update_queued_visits(self, queue)
Should update all visits in queue with the new expiration time. queue is a dictionary mapping visit keys to the expiration time, a datetime.datetime object.

Since the visit manager runs i its own thread, care should be taken that updates to the storage backend are always made as atomic transactions.