The Visit framework:
Visit configuration is done in app.cfg. The purpose of the configuration options should be pretty clear from the comments in app.cfg, but here are some of the more interesting options.
The number of minutes a visitor may be idle before the visit is considered to be ‘expired’.
The default is 20 minutes. If you extend this to be a really long time period, you are defeating the point of tracking a visit. Remember, you are trying to track visits to the site, not track a ‘user’ over any number of visits.
The cookie that is sent to the user has the properties specified in app.cfg. The actual payload for the cookie is a SHA hash of some of the visitor’s attributes (visitors IP address, port, the time, and random data). If this is a new visit, the cookie is generated and sent to the client. Note that the timeout time is tracked in the database, and is not a function of any ‘expires’ property of the cookie. Rather, this information is stored in the Visit object defined in
If a user configures his/her browser to ignore or reject cookies, the Visit framework will not work properly for that user. In this situation, every user request makes Visit act as if that this is a brand-new visit, and the response will include a newly created cookie.
New in 1.0.6.
Sometimes tracking visits with a session cookie is not possible, either because the user has disabled cookies in his browser or a buggy web client does not transfer the session cookie with the visit key correctly. As a workaround the visit key can also be retrieved from the request parameters (whether URL or request body parameters). This is not enabled by default for security reasons because session-hijacking vulnerabilities can easily be introduced by improper use of session IDs in URLs. To enable retrieval of the visit key from the request params, set visit.source to include the value "form" in your application’s configuration. Example:
visit.source = 'cookie, form'
With this setting, the visit framework will look for the visit key first in the session cookie and, if it is not found, in a request parameter with the name set by the configuration setting (default "tg_visit"). If the visit key is found in the request parameters, the request parameter will be stripped from the parameters so your controller methods do not need to handle an extra parameter.
You must make arrangements for the client to transfer the visit key with the request parameters by either adding it to the query string of any URLs pointing to your application (for GET requests) or by adding the parameter to POST requests, for example by adding a hidden form field with the visit key to forms. You can get the value of the current visit key in your templates with tg.identity.visit_key.
Example for including the visit key in a URL for a GET request:
<a href="${tg.url('/foo', {tg.config('', 'tg_visit'): tg.identity.visit_key})}"
>Click here</>
Example for including the visit key in a POST request through a form:
<form action="${tg.url('/foo')}" method="POST">
<input type="hidden"
name="${tg.config('', 'tg_visit')}"
value="${tg.identity.visit_key}" />
Currently the Visit framework does not clean out old visit entries from the database, so expired visits will accumulate there and should be cleaned up once in a while. How often this is necessary depends on the traffic your website gets and whether you want to be able to check who was logged in at which time later.
It is advisable to set up a periodic job to clean up old visit entries every day (week, hour, whatever suits you). Here is an example of a function that accomplishes this if you are using an SQLAlchemy visit/identity model:
import logger
import datetime
from yourpkg.model import Visit, VisitIdentity, session
log = logging.getLogger('yourpkg.tasks')
def expunge_expired_visits(keep_days=7):
"""Expunge all visits and corresponding visitidentity entries from the
database, which are older than 'keep_days' (default: 7 days)."""
t2 = datetime.timedelta(days=keep_days)
visits = Visit.query.filter(
Visit.expiry < ( - t2))'Expunging all visits older than %i days.', keep_days)
log.debug('Expunging %i old visit(s).', visits.count())
for visit in visits:
vi = VisitIdentity.by_visit_key(visit.visit_key)
if vi:
This cleans out all expired visit entries, which have expired more than keep_days days ago. It also deletes the VisitIdentity objects corresponding to these expired visits. You can use the TurboGears scheduler to run this function periodically or use a console script entry point to provide a script, which can be run from cron. If you do so, make sure that the configuration file is loaded, so that SQLAlchemy knows about your connection dburi.
The visit framework can be extended with visit plugins or by replacing the standard visit manager with a custom one. Please see the page Extending the Visit Framework for more information.