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Custom Error Reporting

We’re not perfect. Sometimes we don’t catch every exception, even after piles of testing. This is why it’s a good idea to be notified if disaster strikes and one of your pages bombs out. This is especially a good idea during so-called “beta testing” (otherwise known as “releasing unfinished product”) since you can’t always rely on your users informing you of such problems.

There are several approaches to the problem, depending on whether you want to catch exceptions in a specific controller or method or application wide.

Method 1: Controller-wide Handlers with dispatch_error

You can set a controller method as the handler for specific exceptions using the errorhandling.dispatch_error decorator. The following example code shows how to catch any exception that occurs in the same controller and return a custom error page. You could also send and email to the programmer in this method, but this is not covered here. See the code from method two or check out the Python library reference for examples on how to send email from your code.

class YourController(controller.Controller):

      "tg_exceptions is not None")
    def unhandled_exception(self, tg_source, tg_errors, tg_exception, *args, **kw):
            # Spam me here, whatever
            programmer_notified = True
            programmer_notified = False
        return dict(tg_template=".templates.unhandled_exception",
                title="500 Internal error",

And a matching example template (called unhandled_exception.kid if you follow the code above):

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns=""

  <title py:content="title">Title</title>

  <h1>Oops! An error occured</h1>

  <p>Something went wonky and we weren't expecting it. Sorry about that.</p>

  <p>This is commonly known as an &quot;Error 500  &quot; or
    &quot;Internal Server Error&quot;. It means we messed up.</p>

  <p py:if="programmer_notified">A programmer has been notified and
    will try to fix the problem as soon as possible.</p>

  <p py:if="not programmer_notified">The problem was actually so bad that
    we couldn't even send an E-mail to our team to sort the problem out!
    If you keep getting this message, please send us an E-mail with some
    information about what you were doing when this happened, so we can
    try and smooth things over :-)</p>

  <p>Our sincerest apologies,</p>

  <!--! No <em>because this is just convention !-->
  <p style="font-style: italic">-The Team</p>


Normally, you don’t really want to hide exceptions while you’re developing, so you may want to comment out the @turbogears.errorhandling.dispatch_error decorator until people are going to start visiting the site while you’re not sitting over the server output.

Bear in mind that this method supresses exception output in the log, so there is a chance that the exception could be lost forever.

Method 2: Method-specific Handlers with exception_handler

The turbogears.controllers.exception_handler decorator can be used to set exception handlers for each method. See the code below for a usage example.

Readers should also check out the ErrorHandling page for more information on the exception_handler decorator.

class Root(controllers.RootController):
    def error(self):
        return "An error occured"

    @turbogears.controllers.exception_handler(error, "ValueError")
    def index(self):
        raise ValueError

Method 3: Application-wide Catch-all with CherryPy Filter

If you have multiple controllers, you may want to use the same error handler for all of them. For this, you need to make use of a CherryPy filter instead of TurboGears specifics. You set the filter on your root controller and it will apply to all methods served by CherryPy.

The following code has pretty much everything you need to provide a custom error page, and send an email to someone with the error. You will need to set the email settings in your configuration file (see docstring for class ErrorCatcher), but other than that it should be enough to sub-class your root controller from the ErrorCatcher class.

You can download an example project which showcases an enhanced version of the ErrorCatcher controller shown in the code below. Tested with TurboGears >= 1.0.4.x

import logging
import StringIO
import traceback

import cherrypy
from turbogears import config, controllers, identity

    import turbomail
    has_turbomail = True
    has_turbomail = False

__all__ = ['ErrorCatcher']

log = logging.getLogger("turbogears.controllers")





class ErrorCatcher(controllers.RootController):
    """Base class for RootControllers that catches errors in production mode.

    Sends an email to the admin, when an error occurs. Does not send email
    on 404 errors unless the 'error_catcher.send_email_on_404' configuration
    option is set to True.

    For email sending to work, at least the configuration options
    'error_catcher.sender_email' and 'error_catcher.admin_email' must be
    set to valid email addresses.

    See docstring for method 'send_exception_email' for more email related
    configuration information.

    _error_codes = {
        None: u'General Error',
        400: u'400 - Bad Request',
        401: u'401 - Unauthorized',
        403: u'403 - Forbidden',
        404: u'404 - Not Found',
        500: u'500 - Internal Server Error',
        501: u'501 - Not Implemented',
        502: u'502 - Bad Gateway',
    _error_templates = {
        None: '.templates.unhandled_exception',
        404: '.templates.404_exception',
    admin_group_name = 'admin'
    output_format = 'html'
    content_type = 'text/html'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        super(ErrorCatcher, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
        self.sender_email = config.get('error_catcher.sender_email')
        self.admin_email = config.get('error_catcher.admin_email')
        self.smtp_host = config.get('error_catcher.smtp_host', 'localhost')
        self.smtp_user = config.get('error_catcher.smtp_user')
        self.smtp_passwd = config.get('error_catcher.smtp_passwd')

    def cp_on_http_error(self, status, message):
        """Handle HTTP errors by sending an error page and email."""

            cherrypy._cputil._cp_on_http_error(status, message)
            error_msg = self.get_error_message(status, message)
            url = "%s %s" % (cherrypy.request.method, cherrypy.request.path)
            log.exception("CherryPy %s error (%s) for request '%s'", status,
              error_msg, url)

            if status != 404:
                buf = StringIO.StringIO()
                details = buf.getvalue()
                details = '404 error'

            data = dict(
                status = status,
                message = message,
                error_msg = error_msg,
                admin = identity.in_group(self.admin_group_name),
                url = url,
                details = details,

            if status != 404 or config.get('error_catcher.send_email_on_404'):
                    self.send_exception_email(status, url, details)
                    data['email_sent'] = True
                except Exception, exc:
                    log.exception('Error email failed: %s', exc)
                    data['email_sent'] = False
                data['email_sent'] = False

            self.send_error_page(status, data)
        # don't catch SystemExit
        except StandardError, exc:
            log.exception('Error handler failed: %s', exc)

    # Hook in error handler for production only
    if config.get('server.environment') == 'production':
        _cp_on_http_error = cp_on_http_error

    def send_error_page(self, status, data):
        """Send error page using matching template from self._error_templates.

        body = controllers._process_output(
            self._error_templates.get(status, self._error_templates.get(None)),
        cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Length'] = len(body)
        cherrypy.response.body = body

    def send_exception_email(self, status, url, data):
        """Send an email with the error info to the admin.

        Uses TurboMail if installed and activated, otherwise tries to send
        email with the smtplib module. The SMTP settings can be configured
        with the following configuration settings:

        error_catcher.smtp_host   - Mail server to connect to
                                    (default 'localhost')
        error_catcher.smtp_user   - User name for SMTP authentication.
                                    If unset no SMTP login is performed.
        error_catcher.smtp_passwd - Password for SMTP authentication

        if not self.sender_email or not  self.admin_email:
            log.exception('Configuration error: could not send error'
              'because sender and/or admin email address is not set.')
            raise RuntimeError

        subject =  '%d ERROR on the Server' % status
        text = ERROR_MAIL_TMPL % dict(url=url, data=data)

        if has_turbomail and config.get('mail.on'):
            msg = turbomail.Message(self.sender_email, self.admin_email, subject)
            msg.plain = text
            from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart
            from email.MIMEText import MIMEText
            from email.Utils import formatdate
            msg = MIMEMultipart()
            msg['From'] = self.sender_email
            msg['To'] = self.admin_email
            msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
            msg['Subject'] = subject
            self._send_email_smtp(self.sender_email, self.admin_email,

    def _send_email_smtp(self, from_addr, to_addr, message):
        """Send email via SMTP."""

        import smtplib
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_host)
        if self.smtp_user and self.smtp_passwd:
            smtp.login(self.smtp_user, self.smtp_passwd)
        smtp.sendmail(from_addr, to_addr, message)

    def get_error_message(self, status, default=None):
        """Return string error for HTTP status code."""

        return self._error_codes.get(status, default or self._error_codes[None])


Custom Error Pages on the TurboGears mailing list.

Exception Reporting on the TurboGears mailing list.

Defining an Error Handler for a particular exception on the TurboGears mailing list.