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File Upload Tutorial


Check the bottom of the page for the example project.

This is a follow up to the existing 20 minute wiki tutorial. At this point, it is assumed that you have:

  • installed TG
  • completed the previous tutorial
  • are ready to add to that tutorial.

Here is what this tutorial is all about: file uploads. After completing the above tutorial, I thought, ‘gee, it’d be cool if I could upload files to the wiki’. And the way things go, one thing leads to another, and I wanted to download them, too. This introduces some issues, like:

  • the user interface for displaying the files (we’ll use templates for all the common stuff)
  • the user interface for uploading/downloading the files
  • state issues: we don’t want to upload a file to a page that doesn’t exist yet.

Rather than take you step-wise through my thought process and build this app like a real tutorial, I’ll present the major issues along with the major chunks of code to address them.

BTW, you don’t have to copy and paste from this page, there is a ZIP file with the example project attached to this page. Skip down to the bottom of this page to find the download link.

Note that in another article we also show how you can display a progress bar during file uploads.

Update the Database Tables

We need to update the database to add a new table, the uploaded_files table. This is a many-to-many relationship in my example. We’ll have to drop our old tables and re-create these for the relationships to match. Here we go:

  1. Stop the server

  2. Drop the existing tables:

    tg-admin sql drop page
    tg-admin sql drop uploadedfile
  3. Edit your

    from sqlobject import *
    from turbogears.database import PackageHub
    hub = PackageHub("wiki20")
    __connection__ = hub
    # class YourDataClass(SQLObject):
    #     pass
    class Page(SQLObject):
        pagename = UnicodeCol(alternateID=True, length=30)
        data = UnicodeCol()
        attached_files = RelatedJoin('UploadedFile')
    class UploadedFile(SQLObject):
        filename = UnicodeCol(alternateID=True, length=100)
        abspath = UnicodeCol()
        size = IntCol()
        referenced_in_pages = RelatedJoin('Page')
  4. Create the new tables:

    tg-admin sql create

Add the upload Method

Here is the meat and potatoes. We add the upload method and a bunch of state logic to the controller. The idea is simple: we want to upload files and have them relate to a page. If a user uploads a previously uploaded file, we skip the upload, but we add the relationship to the db. So, multiple pages can reference a single uploaded file. And a single page can reference many files. Let’s store these files in an app configured location:

  1. Add a new config setting for the path of the upload directory to the config file:

    # def.cfg
    # Upload dir
  2. Add code to the controller to check for the existence of the upload directory, create it if necessary:

    # default upload dir to ./uploads
    UPLOAD_DIR = cherrypy.config.get("wiki.uploads",
        os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "uploads"))
    if not os.path.exists(UPLOAD_DIR):
  3. Add the upload method (remember meat and potatoes):

    def upload(self, upload_file, pagename, **keywords):
            p = Page.byPagename(pagename)
        except SQLObjectNotFound:
            turbogears.flash("Must save page first")
            turbogears.redirect("/%s" % pagename)
        data =
        target_file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), UPLOAD_DIR,
            u =  UploadedFile.byFilename(upload_file.filename)
              "File already uploaded: %s is already at %s" % \
              (upload_file.filename, target_file_name))
        except SQLObjectNotFound:
            # open file in binary mode for writing
            f = open(target_file_name, 'wb')
              "File uploaded successfully: %s saved as: %s" \
              % (upload_file.filename, target_file_name))
            u = UploadedFile(filename=upload_file.filename,
              abspath=target_file_name, size=0)
        turbogears.redirect("/%s" % pagename)
  4. Note: the above code looks in the database to determine if the page to which the file is uploaded already exists. If the page doesn’t exist in the database yet, then we cannot attach an uploaded file to it:

        p = Page.byPagename(pagename)
    except SQLObjectNotFound:
        turbogears.flash("Must save page first")
        turbogears.redirect("/%s" % pagename)

Add an Upload Form to the Page Template

Here is the form that calls the upload method in the page.kid template:

<!-- page.kid -->

<form action="upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input type="hidden" name="pagename" py:attrs="value=pagename"/>
    <label for="upload_file">Filename:</label>
    <input type="file" name="upload_file" id="upload_file"/>  <br/>
    <input type="submit" name="submit_upload" value="Upload"/>

Note that we have an INPUT element named "upload" of type file. The other important aspects are that we use the POST method to submit the form and that we also added the enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute to the FORM element. Without the latter, the file would be received by the controller as a normal string and would almost certainly become corrupted due to the input encoding conversion and our controller code would not work.

Add File Listings to the Templates

  1. Template code:

    <h3>Attached Files:</h3>
        <li py:for="filename in uploads">
            <a href="/download?filename=${filename}" py:content="filename"
              >Filename  goes here</a>
  2. Add this code to page.kid and edit.kid somewhere at the bottom.

  3. I’ve appended to this tutorial my notes for generalizing this with templates (see below).

Add the download Method

CherryPy provides the function cherrypy.lib.cptools.serve_file, which makes serving files super simple:


def download(self, filename):
    uf = UploadedFile.byFilename(filename)
    return cherrypy.lib.cptools.serve_file(uf.abspath,
      contentType"application/x-download", dispositon="attachment",

The disposition="attachment" argument, will cause a Content-disposition header to be sent to the browser which makes it pop up a download saving dialog.

If you want the browser to start the application or plug-in configured to handle files of the downloaded type, use a disposition="inline" argument and set the contentType parameter to the mime type of the file you are serving. To find out the mime-type of a file you can use the mimetypes module from the standard library.

Note that it’s good practice to specify the filename in the Content-disposition header. Otherwise the user will see the last part of the URL as filename. If you ever downloaded a file from a web-page and the browser suggested "download.php" or something similar as the filename, you’ll know what I mean ;). Luckily, the CherryPy serve_file function already takes care of this for us.

Add Error Handling to the index Method

In case the publish parts call throws an error, we will catch this with a try/except clause and just display the ReST source directly:


def index(self, pagename="FrontPage"):
        page = Page.byPagename(pagename)
        uploads = [item.filename for item in page.attached_files]
    except SQLObjectNotFound:
        turbogears.redirect("/notfound", pagename=pagename)
        content = publish_parts(
        content =
    root = str(turbogears.url("/"))
    content = wikiwords.sub(r' <a href="%s\1">\1</a> ' % root, content)
    return dict(data=content, pagename=page.pagename, uploads=uploads)

Refactor the Templates

We’ll use template inheritance feature of Kid to simplify the file listing in the templates. Make the following changes to get this working:

<!-- master.kid -->

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<?python import sitetemplate ?>
<html xmlns=""
  py:extends="sitetemplate, 'includes.kid'">
<!-- page.kid / edit.kid -->

<div py:replace="attached_files(${uploads})"/>
<!-- includes.kid -->

<h3>Attached Files:</h3>
<ul py:def="attached_files(uploads)">
    <li py:for="filename in uploads">
        <a href="./download?filename=${filename}"
          py:content="filename">Filename goes here</a>

For more details, see:



More information, documentation and tutorials on CherryPy file uploads can be found at the following locations: