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WebServices with TGWebServices

A server example

WebServices with TurboGears is very straight-forward to implement. First you need to install TGWebServices which is easily done using easy_install:

easy_install TGWebServices

Next, you need to write a WebService controller. A very simple example:

from tgwebservices.controllers import WebServicesRoot, wsexpose, wsvalidate

class MyWSController(WebServicesRoot):
   @wsvalidate(int, int)
   def multi(self, a, b):
      return a*b

The wsexpose decorator says that this method will return one value of type int. The wsvalidate decorator says that this method takes two values of type int as parameters. Other types are possible of course.

Note, that you do not return a dict, you return the value directly!

Next, you may want to make this service available as a path in your root controller:

class Root(controllers.RootController):
   myservices = MyWSController('')

Alternatively, if this the WebService itself is the root of your app, you can do:

cherrypy.root = MyWSController('')

The first parameter to the WebServicesRoot class is the URL under which the WebService will be reachable. It is used to create the WSDL document for this service.

Note: The trailing slash is important!

You should now be able to start your application. If all works well, you now have two important URL’s available. I will use the example, where the service is available under the myservices path (first case):

  1. This points to the WSDL-Document for your services.
  2. This is the URL you will submit SOAP requests to.

This should be all you need to get you started to write some basic WebServices.

For more information, read the TGWebServices documentation.

A client example

I will use - don’t hit me! - a few PHP lines to demonstrate a client for the above service. Why PHP? PHP is widely spread, and is therefore a perfect candidate to show an example.

ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0);
$client = new SoapClient('');
print_r($client->multi(3, 4));

The first line is needed because PHP caches the WSDL document. If you don’t add this line, PHP won’t see any changes you make in your service and will refuse to call a method if you change its signature.