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Hybrid Nested Set Model for Hierarchical Storage of SQLObject Data


I’ve been working on a content management system off and on for quite some time. In the process of creating as generic a product as I could, I came across several structures that simply weren’t documented, or were not documented well enough for me to translate them to SQLObject without difficulty. So it was difficult. In the end I decided that SQLObject, while nice, wouldn’t serve me as well as SQLAlchemy, so I’m releasing this code as-is and will create a copy of this document for SQLAlchemy users as well, once I get the port finished.

This is not for the faint-hearted. Some of the methods which manage the specialized structure are simply maddening. I make extensive use of lambda properties to perform relationship queries in the most compact space possible. You have been warned.

The Completed Code

class Atom(InheritableSQLObject):
    class sqlmeta:
        table = "atoms"
        defaultOrder = ['l']
        cacheValues = False

    # Nested Set Model
    l, r = IntCol(default=0), IntCol(default=0)
    nestedset_index = DatabaseIndex('l', 'r')

    # Adjacency List Model
    parent = ForeignKey('Atom', default=None)
    children = SQLMultipleJoin('Atom', joinColumn="parent_id")
    adjacency_index = DatabaseIndex('parent')

    # Your properties here, or remove these and just use inheritance.
    name = StringCol(length=200)
    title = UnicodeCol(length=255)
    description = UnicodeCol(default=None)

    # Nested Set Magic Accessors
    ancestors = property(lambda self: > self.r, Atom.q.l < self.l)),
        doc="Return all ancestors of this node.")
    descendants = property(lambda self: > self.l, Atom.q.r < self.r)),
        doc="Return all descendants of this node.")
    depth = property(lambda self: self.ancestors.count() + 1,
        doc="Return the current element's depth in the tree.")
    siblings = property(lambda self: (self.parent.children.filter(Atom.q.r < self.r),
        self.parent.children.filter(Atom.q.l > self.l)),
        doc="Return two lists; the first are siblings to the left; the second, to the right.")

    path = property(
        lambda self: "/" + url([ for i in self.ancestors if != 1] + []),
        doc="Return the full path to this Atom.")

    query = classmethod(lambda cls, q: cls._connection.queryAll(q.__sqlrepr__(cls._connection)))

    def stargate(self, conditions, value=2):
        """Open a hole in the left/right structure.
           Alternatively, with a negative value, close a hole."""
        table = Atom.sqlmeta.table

        if conditions[0] is conditions[1]:
                dict(l = self.q.l + value, r = self.q.r + value),

            if conditions[0] is not None:
                self.query(Update(table, dict(l = self.q.l + value),
            if conditions[1] is not None:
                self.query(Update(table, dict(r = self.q.r + value),

        # TODO: Find out how to clear the object cache so we can enable caching on this object.
        # Note that caching descendant objects is A-OK, it's just that we do scary things to l and r.

    def attach(self, node, after=True, below=True):
        """Attach a node as a child or sibling of the current node."""

        assert self is not node, "You can not attach a node to itself."
        assert node not in self.ancestors, "I don't like infinite loops, I have nightmares about the sentence 'I don't like infinite loops, I have nightmares about the sentence 'I don..."

        if node.l and node.r:
            # Run some additional integrity checks before modifying the database.
            assert node.l < node.r, "This node can not be moved as its positional relationship information is corrupt."
            assert node.descendants.count() == ( node.r - node.l - 1 ) / 2, "This node is missing descendants and can not be moved."

        count = 1 + node.descendants.count()


            if below:
                if after: self.stargate(( self.q.l >= self.r, self.q.r >= self.r ), 2 * count)
                else: self.stargate(( self.q.l > self.l, self.q.r > self.l ), 2 * count)
                if after: self.stargate(( self.q.l > self.r, self.q.r > self.r ), 2 * count)
                else: self.stargate(( self.q.l >= self.l, self.q.r >= self.l ), 2 * count)

            if not node.l or not node.r:
                # This node is currently unassigned and/or corrupt.
                if below:
                    if after: node.l, node.r = self.r - 2, self.r - 1
                    else: node.l, node.r = self.l + 1, self.l + 2
                    node.parent = self
                    if after: node.l, node.r = self.r + 1, self.r + 2
                    else: node.l, node.r = self.l - 2, self.l - 1
                    node.parent = self.parent

            # This node was already placed in the tree and needs to be moved.  How far?
            if below:
                if right: delta = self.r - node.r - 1
                else: delta = self.l - node.l + 1
                if after: delta = self.r - node.r + 2
                else: delta = self.l - node.l - 2

            # Migrate the node and its ancestors to its new location.
            hole = node.l
            migrate = AND( self.q.l >= node.l, self.q.r <= node.r )
            self.stargate(( migrate, migrate ), delta)

            # Close the resulting hole.
            self.stargate(( self.q.l >= hole, self.q.r >= hole ), -2 * count)

            node.parent = self



    def delete(cls, id):
        self = cls.get(id)
        count = self.descendants.count()
        descendants = list(self.descendants)

        for node in descendants: node.destroySelf()

        self.stargate(( cls.q.l > self.l, cls.q.r > self.r ), value=-2 * (count + 1))