Table Of Contents

Using Multiple Databases

Q. Can I use more than one database handle with TurboGears?

A. You sure can! At least with SQLAlchemy (see below). Currently, there is no known way to set the database for SQLObject model object through the TurboGears configuration.

Q. What about having the same class read using one handle (readonly slave database) and write using another (writing master)?

A. Someone else will have to answer that one. Let us know when you figure it out!

Setting the dburi

In your deployment configuration, change your current dburi to something like the following:


Change your model

In, add the following:

engine_a = __engine_a__ = PackageEngine("handle_a")
engine_b = __engine_b__ = PackageEngine("handle_b")

Then just instantiate tables / classes using engine_a or engine_b.

Using SQLAlchemy/Elixir 0.4.x

It’s very easy with the new versions of SQLAlchemy and Elixir. If you use the quickstart template to create your project, you only need to change the imports in your file


from turbogears.database import metadata, session

Change to:

from turbogears.database import metadata as __metadata__
from turbogears.database import session as __session__

In any other modules where you define models, you have to define the __metadata__ module attribute and bind it:

__metadata__ = metadata
__metadata__.bind = '<database>'

Using SQLObject with a “slave” database

In order to use a ‘slave’ database, the database URL needs to be added to the model thus:

slave_hub = connectionForURI('mysql://user:passwd@hostname/database?use_unicode=1')

Change the variable ‘user’, ‘passwd’ etc as appropriate - the ‘use_unicode’ argument tells SQLObject to assume strings in the database are in unicode format, otherwise you might get decoding errors (it assumes they are ‘ascii’ by default), set as appropriate for your database. Don’t forget to import the ‘connectionForURI’ function:

from sqlobject import connectionForURI

Normally the includes a line like this:

__connection__ = hub = PackageHub('packagename')

With ‘packagename’ set to the package you are working on. This is the default database connection hub. So with the extra lines above you have the promary database hub and the slave hub. Then, all you have to do to include a table from the slave database in your application is add a class for it like the following:

class Table(SQLObject):
    _connection = slave_hub
    class sqlmeta:
        fromDatabase = True
        table = "tbl_name"
        idName = "tbl_id"

The above code fragment will tell SQLObject to look for the table definition in the database (you can’t do this with a SQLite database). You will most likely have to use the ‘idName’ and ‘table’ properties to tell SQLObject what the table is called in the database and what the primary key column is called. Check out SQLObject documentation on this feature.