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Unified Form Data Validation

In TurboGears, the most common solution to requiring and processing a form is to produce two controller methods: one to populate and return a widget - usually a Form descendant - and another to perform the validation and desired action. Additionally, validation of a form requires that it be defined globally - or at least in a way that can be passed to the @validate decorator. You end up with a structure similar to the following:

form = MyForm(fields=MyFields())

class MyController(Controller):

    def edit(self, **kw):
        stock_data = dict(name="Willy")
        return dict(title="Foo Bar",
            form=form, data=stock_data, action='save')

    def save(self, **kw):
        # Perform some action with the data in kw.
        flash("Some success message.")

This is a very common idiom used in TurboGears applications, and it’s actually not so bad. However, you may not like the separation into two different controller methods with different URLs passing the data to each other. Also, you may want to use runtime-created form widgets based on the user input. You can actually have dynamically created forms by passing a callable to the @validate() decorator, but this is not so straightforward any more. So here is an alternative way of structuring things that you may prefer, because it uses only one controller at one URL and makes it somewhat easier to use dynamically created forms:

class MyController(Controller):

    def edit(self, **kw):

        # Forms can be defined anywhere in the controller
        #   method before the @validate decorator.
        # Or, you can still use a global one to not have
        #  to re-process the form on each call.

        form = MyForm(fields=MyFields())

        if kw:

            def check(self, tg_errors=None, **kw):
                return tg_errors, kw
            errors, data = check(self, **kw)

            if errors:
                flash("Some error message.")
                # Perform some action with the data in data.
                # kw still contains the raw data.
                flash("Some success message.")

            data = dict(...)

        return dict(title="Foo Bar", form=form, data=data)

Generic Form Template

The above examples used project.templates.genericform. This template is small, simple, and robust enough for many applications and nearly any form. The content of this template is:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xmlns:py=""
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" py:replace="''"/>
<title py:content="title">Generic Form</title>

<p py:if="defined('description')" py:content="description"/>

<form py:if="not defined('action') and defined('data')"
<form py:if="not defined('action') and not defined('data')"
<form py:if="defined('action') and defined('data')"
      py:replace="form(data, action=action)"/>
<form py:if="defined('action') and not defined('data')"

<pre py:if="defined('debug')" py:content="debug"/>


You can pass the following variables to the template:

The title of the page / form. Examples include “Updating ...”, “Creating ...”, etc. Required.
Any block of text to appear above the form. Optional.
Any widget object, usually a descendant of Form, e.g. TableForm. Required.
Default data to pass to and populate the widget. Optional.
The location the form should submit its data to. If not a descendant of a Form, do not pass this variable. Optional.
Display preformatted debugging information below the form. E.g. used to display the repr() of something. Optional.

Feel free to re-use this template in your own applications!